Hello World

Is this thing on?

This will be my first blog post on my own site! All together now, "Woo" 😂

I can't say I'm a big blogger but I think its important to have a place to voice opinions on the internet that isn't Twitter.

To the millions (or handful) of future strangers and friends stumbling onto this blog, welcome!

A bit about me, I'm a Full Stack Software Engineer. I surround myself with React and .NET so if thats up your alley then this is the place for you!

But enough about me… Let's look to the future!

I have an ever growing backlog of ideas that I want to write about so stay tuned for more amazing content from me. Or maybe "mildly interesting" is a better descriptor. We'll see.

Future blogs - coming soon™️:

  • Getting started with Keystatic + Next.js
  • A shoutout to an amazing Next.js tool "Kirimase"
  • Getting started with TinaCMS + Next.js
  • My favourite packages to use with React
  • How I setup a project