
Tekken Lab screenshots

Tekken Lab

Project Overview

Tekken Lab is a website designed to streamline the learning process for Tekken 8 combos by allowing users to watch YouTube guides and practice combos in a single, unified platform. Later I started to introduce guides and patch notes for the community.


I created Tekken Lab over a weekend due to the lack of suitable solutions available at the time. Although still in beta, this project showcases my ability to identify a need and rapidly develop a functional solution.

Technical Highlights

  • First production use of Keystatic: Tekken Lab marked my first experience using Keystatic in a real-world project. This allowed me to explore Keystatic's capabilities and limitations, ultimately contributing to its further development.
Up Bank Budget screenshots

Up Bank Budget

Project Overview

A Next.js implementation of a budgeting app, inspired by UpBlazor, designed to interact with the Up Bank API for effortless financial tracking.


  • Track Incomes
    • Create Income (Weekly, Fortnightly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly)
  • Track Expenses
    • View and Create & Remove Tags
  • Insights and analytics
    • Total Expenses

Project Goals

  • Provide a user-friendly interface for managing finances
  • Offer insights into spending habits and income
Horror Reviews screenshots

Horror Reviews

Project Overview

A web application built with PayloadCMS, Next.js, and shadcn/ui, designed to manage and track horror movie reviews, replacing what I was previously using, a spreadsheet. 😱

Technical Highlights

  • CMS Exploration: First project using PayloadCMS, showcasing adaptability and willingness to explore new technologies
Clean Next.js screenshots

Clean Next.js

Project Overview

Clean Next.js is a command-line tool designed to streamline the process of setting up and working with Next.js projects, providing an opinionated and "clean" approach to development.

Key Features

  • Init Command: Create a new, fully-configured Next.js project with a single command
  • Add Command: Easily add packages to your project, such as biomejs and shadcn/ui
  • Create Command: Rapidly generate pages and components with a simple command
MPC Autofill Extension screenshots

MPC Autofill Extension

Project Overview

A browser extension designed to enhance the functionality of MPC Fill, enabling users to parse multiple decks with unique card backs, streamlining the process of printing decks with varied designs.

Key Features

  • Multi-Deck Support: Parse and print multiple decks with different card backs
  • XML File Generation: Companion website to simplify the creation of required .xml files

Technical Highlights

  • VSCode in the Browser: Successfully experimented with the VSCode browser package for extension development, leveraging its power and ease of use

Project Goals

  • Extend MPC Fill's functionality to support multiple decks with varied card backs
  • Create a user-friendly solution for generating required .xml files
  • Explore the capabilities of VSCode in the browser
Next Whois screenshots

Next Whois

Project Overview

Next Whois is a straightforward web application designed to quickly retrieve WHOIS information for any website, providing a simple and efficient solution for users.

Key Features

  • WHOIS Lookup: Easily retrieve WHOIS information for any domain
  • User-Friendly Interface: Intuitive design built using shadcn/ui
One Week screenshots

One Week

Project Overview

An Open Source learning platform with the plan to make something every week

Key Objectives

  • Consistency: Develop a new project or feature every week
  • Learning: Explore new technologies, frameworks, and ideas
  • Open-Source: Share knowledge and collaborate with the community